Glossary of Trade Show Terms
Audio/visual support such as television monitors, VCRs, or taped music.
A/V Contractor
A supplier of audio/visual equipment and services.
Advance Order
An order for services sent to the service contractor prior to the installation date. Compare with Floor Order.
Advance Rates
Fees associated with advance orders, which typically include discounts when paid in advance.
Advance Receiving
Location set by show management to receive freight before the start of show. Freight is stored at this location and then shipped to the show at the appropriate time.
Advanced warehouse – an off-site warehouse, where exhibitors’ show materials are stored until show setup begins. Items are shipped to the advanced warehouse a few weeks before the start of the event. A show contractor then transports the items from the advanced warehouse site to the show site. Advanced warehousing is usually much less expensive than direct-to-show shipping, but requires advanced planning to meet the required delivery windows.
A bona fide representative with proper credentials from the party represented.
Air Freight
Goods shipped via airplane.
A walkway intended for audience movement through an exposition or exhibit.
Aisle Carpet
Carpeting installed in trade show aisles.
Aisle Signs
Signs, usually suspended, identifying exposition aisles by number or letter.
The process of erecting an exhibit from its components. Also called Installation, Set Up.
See On-site.
Those persons who visit an event that are not exhibiting or connected with the event itself.
A light source that illuminates translucent material from behind.
The panels at the rear of an exhibit.
Backwall Exhibit
An exhibit that is back-to-back with another exhibit or against a building wall.
A partition designed to control light, air, sound, or traffic flow.
A suspended panel used as a decoration or a sign, usually made of fabric or paper for temporary use.
Banner stand – free-standing display hardware that’s paired with flexible graphics. The graphics are usually manufactured from fabric or vinyl.
Bill of Lading (B/L)
A document that establishes the terms between a shipper and a transportation company for the transport of goods between specified points for a specified charge. Also see Air Waybill, Inland Bill of Lading, Ocean Bill of Lading, Through Bill of Lading.
Blanket Wrap
Uncrated goods covered with blankets or other protective padding and shipped via van line. Also called Pad Wrap.
A scale drawing of booth space layout, construction, and specifications.
A storage area for empty crates and contractor materials.
An area made up of one or more standard units of exhibit space.
Booth Area
The amount of floor space assigned to an exhibitor.
Booth Number
A number assigned by show management to identify an exhibitor’s floor space.
Booth Personnel
Staff members assigned by an exhibitor to work in an exhibit.
Booth Size
The dimensions of the floor space contracted by an exhibitor. Usually sold in 10′ x 10′ increments.
The level at which a discount is given for a volume order.
Build and Burn
Booth designed and built for one-time use.
C.I.F. (Cost, Insurance, Freight)
A pricing term indicating that these charges are included in the stated price.
Certified Trade Show Marketer! See www.CTSM.com
Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing.
A skilled worker used to uncrate, install, dismantle, and recrate exhibit properties.
Carpet Tape
Double-sided tape used to adhere the edge of a carpet to the floor.
A transportation line moving freight. Usually a van line, common carrier, rail line, or air carrier. Also see Common Carrier.
(1) The fee charged for transporting freight. (2) The moving of exhibit properties over a short distance.
Certificate of Inspection
A document certifying that merchandise was in good condition immediately prior to its shipment.
Cherry Picker
Equipment used to lift people to a given height.
Clean Bill of Lading
A carrier-issued receipt indicating that transported merchandise was received in apparent good condition. Compare with Foul Bill of Lading.
Collective Agreement
A contract between an employer and a union specifying the terms and conditions for employment, the status of the union, and the process for settling disputes during the contract period. Also known as Labor Agreement, Union Contract.
A pillar in an exposition facility which supports the roof or other overhead structures. Usually shown on a floor plan as a solid square.
Commercial Invoice
An itemized list of shipped goods.
Common Carrier
A transportation company moving people or goods. For exhibit freight, the carrier usually accepts only crated materials and consolidates the properties of several customers into one shipment bound for the same destination.
A person to whom goods are shipped.
A delivery of merchandise from an exporter (the consignor) to an agent (the consignee) under the agreement that the agent will sell the merchandise, receive a commission, and remit the net proceeds to the exporter.
A person who sends freight.
To ship freight to a central depot where several loads bound for the same destination are put together before being shipped to that destination.
Construction Drawing
A drawing which gives detailed diagrams and instructions for building an exhibit.
An individual or company that provides services or materials to a trade show and/or its exhibitors. Also see Official Contractor, Exhibitor Appointed Contractor.
Corner Booth
An exhibit space with exposure on at least two aisles.
A skilled worker who provides services at the exposition facility. Also called Labor.
Crating List
An itemized list of the contents of a crate.
An aisle at a right angle to a main aisle.
Cubic Content
Literally, length x width x height. With reference to booth space, the placement of exhibit properties at a height of 8 feet or more above the leased area. Also a measurement used in determining shipping costs for van lines.
Custom Exhibit
A display designed and built to meet the specific needs of an exhibitor.
Customhouse Broker
A person or company licensed to enter and clear goods through Customs.
Hundred weight. A measurement used for shipping exhibit properties. Usually 100 pounds.
Department of Transportation.
D.T. Labor
Double Time Labor. Work performed on overtime and charged at twice the published rate.
Doing Business As.
Damage Report
A report submitted by an exhibitor to a freight company or drayage contractor itemizing damage to shipped goods.
Dead Man
Temporary post used during installation to help support the weight of an overhead structure.
Dead Time
Time when a worker is unable to perform duties due to factors beyond his or her control.
Declared Value
A shipper’s stated dollar value for the contents of a shipment.
An individual (skilled craftsperson) or company (a contractor) providing services for a trade show and/or its exhibitors.
Direct-print graphics – graphics that are printed onto a rigid or flexible/rollable material using a flatbed UV printer. Ink is sprayed directly onto the material, then cured with ultraviolet light. Direct-print graphics are very cost-effective, durable, and fade-resistant.
DIM Weight
Length x width x height divided by 194 for domestic shipments, or divided by 166 for international shipments.
A catalog of basic information about the show, including exhibitors, floor plan and schedule of events. (This is also sometimes referred to as an On-site Program or Program.)
To take apart an exhibit. Also known as Take-down, Teardown.
Display Builder
A company which fabricates exhibits.
Display Rules & Regulations
Exhibit construction specifications endorsed by major exhibit industry associations. Also the specific set of rules that apply to an exposition.
A platform where freight is loaded onto and removed from vehicles or vessels.
A low, wheeled frame with a platform used for carrying heavy or cumbersome objects.
A two-storied exhibit. Also known as Multiple Story Exhibit.
A craftsperson who installs drapes, fabric, and special decor.
Drayage – also known as material handling, drayage is a term used to describe services performed by a contractor (usually hired by the event’s sponsor) and involves several steps: 1) transportation of your exhibit materials from the receiving dock to your assigned booth space, 2) removal and storage of shipping crates/cases once display setup is complete, 3) return of shipping crates at the conclusion of the event, and 4) loading materials back onto a carrier’s vehicle for outbound shipment.
Drayage Contractor
A company responsible for handling exhibit materials at a trade show.
Drayage Form
A form completed by an exhibitor requesting handling of materials.
Duplex Outlet
A double electrical outlet.
Dye-sublimated graphics – graphics that are printed onto fabric using a combination of a grand format printer and a heat press. Graphics are printed, then transferred to fabric while running through a 400°F heat press. Since the heat press is so hot, the liquid ink becomes a gas, and it’s sublimated into the fabric. Dye-sublimated graphics are very crisp and vibrant.
Deadweight (tons of 2240 lbs.)
A stand for displaying objects.
Electrical Contractor
A company hired by show management to provide electrical services to exhibitors.
Scaled drawings depicting front and side views of an exhibit.
End Cap
An exhibit space with aisles on three sides.
Est. Wt.
Estimated Weight.
Event Marketing
Face-to-face promotional experiences between customers and companies.
Exclusive Contractor
A contractor appointed by show management as the sole provider of specified services.
Exclusive Use
The rental of a carrier’s entire cargo space by one shipper.
Exhibit Designer/Producer
Company responsible for designing and constructing exhibit booths.
Exhibit Directory
A guide for exhibition attendees which lists exhibitors and exhibit locations.
Exhibit Hall
The area(s) within an exposition center where exhibits are located.
Exhibit Manager
Person in charge of a company’s exhibit program.
Exhibitor Appointed Contractor
A contractor hired by an exhibitor to perform trade show services independently of show management appointed contractors. Also called Independent Contractor, EAC.
Exhibitor Kit
A package of information which contains all rules, regulations, and forms relating to an exhibition, provided to exhibitors by show management. Also called Service Kit.
To send or transport goods out of one country for sale in another.
Export Broker
An individual or company that brings together buyers and sellers for a fee.
Export Management Company
A company that transacts manufacturers’ export business for a fee.
Export Merchant
A company that buys products directly from manufacturers, then packages the merchandise for resale under its own name.
Export Trading Company
A company that buys foreign merchandise for resale in its own local market.
Exposition Manager
See Show Manager.
Exposition Rules
The set of regulations which govern a given trade show.
The construction of an exhibit.
A notation on floor plans indicating the locations of fire hose cabinets.
Fiber Optics
The use of cut glass fibers to display colored light.
No unpainted or raw surfaces or edges on a delivered exhibit.
Fire Exit
A door designated for emergency egress, which must be kept clear of obstructions.
Fire Lane
An aisle that must be kept clear of obstructions to allow emergency egress.
Fire Retardant
Term used to describe a finish which coats materials with a fire-resistant (not fire proof) cover.
Floor Manager
An individual representing show management who is responsible for the exhibition area.
Floor Marking
Method used to mark booth spaces.
Floor Order
Order for services placed after exhibit installation has begun. Compare with Advance Order.
Floor Plan
A map showing the size and locations of exhibit spaces.
Floor Port
A utility box recessed in the floor containing electrical, telephone, or plumbing connections.
Foam Core
Rigid foam covered with heavy paper stock used for mounting signs, art, etc.
Forklift, Forktruck
Motorized vehicle used to load, unload, and transport heavy items.
Foul Bill of Lading
A carrier-issued receipt indicating that transported merchandise was damaged when received. Compare with Clean Bill of Lading.
Four Hour Call
Minimum work period for which union labor must be paid.
Free Trade Zone
A port designated by the government of a country for duty-free entry of any non-prohibited goods.
Exhibit properties and other materials shipped for an exhibit.
Freight Desk
The area where inbound and outbound exhibit materials are handled at a trade show.
Freight Forwarder
A shipping company which handles export shipments for a fee
International term referring to the “aisle”.
A printable board with fiber faces and foam interior.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. A multilateral treaty intended to reduce trade barriers between the signatory countries and to promote trade through tariff concessions.
General Contractor
Show management appointed company providing services to a trade show and/or its exhibitors. Also called Official Contractor. Compare with Exhibitor Appointed Contractor.
A photo, copy panel, or artwork applied to an exhibit.
Grid System
A network of structural members, electrical conduits, and other support systems on a pattern of centers.
General term used for an exposition facility or the exhibit area within a facility.
Hand Truck
Small hand-propelled vehicle used for transporting small loads.
Hard Card
(1) Work order for labor or services. (2) Drayage contractor’s record of materials received or shipped.
Hard Wire
Any electrical connection other than receptacle to receptacle.
A type of exhibit construction in which walls are made of a solid material, rather than fabric.
A sign or other structure across the top of an exhibit.
High Jacker
Equipment used to lift people to a given height.
International term referring to “rent” a service or product.
Hold Harmless Clause
A contract clause that relieves one party of responsibility in the event of a legal claim.
Installation & Dismantle (of an exhibit). Also known as Set Up and Take-down.
Interstate Commerce Commission.
Independent Contractor
A contractor hired by an exhibitor to perform trade show services independently of show management appointed contractors. Also called Exhibitor Appointed Contractor, EAC.
An exhibitor’s unauthorized use of floor space outside the leased booth area.
Inland Bill of Lading
A contract between a shipper and transportation company used when transporting goods overland to an exporter’s international carrier. Compare Ocean Bill of Lading, Through Bill of Lading.
An exhibit that is constructed in a continuous line along an aisle. Also called Linear Display.
The process of setting up exhibit properties according to specifications. Also called Assembly, Set Up.
Installation & Dismantle
The set up and take-down of exhibits. Also called I & D.
Installation Contractor
A company responsible for supervising and coordinating workers who install and dismantle exhibits.
Total amount of equipment available for a show.
Island Exhibit
A display with aisles on four sides.
Jigged Crate
A special-purpose crate with hardware to secure exhibit properties in place to prevent shifting during shipment.
Job Foreman
A person in charge of supervising and coordinating workers.
Junction Box
A distribution point for electrical power.
K.D. (Knockdown)
An exhibit with separate components that must be assembled on-site.
See Service Kit.
Contracted workers who perform services. Also called Craftspersons.
Labor Call
(1) Method of securing union employees. (2) Time specified for labor to report (as in a 7 A.M. call). (3) Minimum amount for which labor must be paid.
Labor Desk
Exhibit hall location where exhibitors may place orders for labor.
Labor Form
The form used by exhibitors to order labor.
See Craftsperson.
The process of bonding two or more substances together.
Lead Tracking
A manual or automated system used to conduct follow-up activities for sales prospects resulting from a trade show.
Less Than Truckload (LTL)
The rate charged for freight weighing less than the minimum weight for a truckload.
Letter of Credit (L/C)
A document issued by a bank at the request of a buyer of goods which authorizes the payment of a specified amount of money to the seller when certain terms are met.
A legal term referring to responsibility for damages or injuries.
Light Box
An enclosure which contains lighting underneath a translucent facing material. Used to back-light signs or graphics applied to the face.
The amount or type of illumination in an exhibit or exhibition hall.
Linear Display
An exhibit that is constructed in a continuous line along an aisle. Also called In-line.
Loading Dock
An area within an exposition facility where freight is received and shipped.
A secure storage area within an exposition facility.
A specific symbol chosen to represent a company. Usually comprised of stylized type alone or in conjunction with graphic art.
Low Voltage
A term applied to electrical currents of 24 volts or less. Usually used in animation and specialty lighting.
See Service Kit.
Marshaling Yard
A lot where trucks gather for orderly dispatch to show site.
To cover for painting or protection.
Masking Drape
A cloth used to cover storage or other unsightly areas.
The most common width for a backwall panel. (1 Meter = 39.37 inches)
Modular Exhibit
An exhibit constructed with interchangeable components designed to be set up in various arrangements and sizes.
The date specified by show management for beginning exhibit installation.
The date specified by show management for dismantling exhibits.
Combining two or more types of audio/visual support in a presentation.
Not Otherwise Herein Provided.
Net Square Footage
The total amount of leased booth space in an exposition facility.
Owner’s Risk.
O.T. Labor
Work performed on overtime.
Ocean Bill of Lading
A contract between a exporter and an international carrier for transport of merchandise to a specified foreign market. Compare Inland Bill of Lading, Through Bill of Lading.
Official Contractor
Show management appointed company providing services to a trade show and/or its exhibitors. Also called General Contractor. Compare with Exhibitor Appointed Contractor.
A reference to the exhibit location. Also called At-site.
On-site Order
Floor order placed at a show site.
A designation for work performed outside the hours specified as normal working hours. Usually work performed on overtime is charged at a substantially higher rate.
Per Diem.
Packed Weight.
Packing Case
See Shipping Case.
Packing List
A document prepared by a shipper itemizing contents of shipment and including other information needed by the carrier.
Pad Wrap
See Blanket Wrap.
Padded Van Shipment
Uncrated goods covered with blankets or other protective padding and shipped via van line.
See Skid.
Panel System
A prefabricated exhibit composed of connected rectangular panels of various sizes.
Particle Board
A panel made of compressed, glued wood chips.
Peg Board
The trade name for a type of hardboard with perforations at regular intervals. Usually used for hanging items.
Peninsula Display
An exhibit with aisles on three sides.
Perforated Vinyl
A “see through” vinyl that is installed on windows. One side is usually printed and the other is a tinted gray.
Perimeter Booth
A booth space on a outside wall.
Pipe & Drape
Tubing covered with draped fabric to make up the rails and backwall of a trade show.
A demonstration area, usually higher than the surrounding floor.
Portable Exhibit
A lightweight display unit that can be moved without a forklift.
Power Strip
A movable unit having multiple electrical outlets.
A pre-built exhibit ready for installation.
Press Kit
A package of materials put together for the media. Usually a folder containing press releases, product announcements, and other materials.
Press Release
An article submitted to the media for publication. Usually announcing news about a product, company, or individual.
Pro Forma Invoice
An invoice sent to a buyer prior to the shipment of merchandise which provides detailed information about the kinds and quantities of goods to be shipped.
(1) Exhibit Producer: An individual or company which designs and/or builds exhibits. (2) Show Producer: An individual or company which manages trade shows.
A carrier-assigned number used to designate a specific shipment.
Quad Box
Four electrical outlets in one box.
Metal or insulated rubber tubing used to channel electrical wires.
A low wall used to divide exhibits.
Raster art – artwork that’s comprised of pixels, rather than vectored shapes and lines. Unlike vectored art, if raster art is scaled up too much during printing, it will become pixelated or blurry.
Rear Illumination
A technique of using a light source to illuminate a translucent image from behind. Also called Back-lighting.
Rear Projection
A video technique in which images are projected on a screen positioned between the projector and the audience.
The process of repairing or reconditioning an exhibit to extend its life span.
An electrical device used to produce programmed effects by interrupting the flow of current.
Release Forms
Forms provided by show management to permit the removal of materials from an exhibition.
Rental Booth
A complete booth package offered to exhibitors on a rental basis.
Retractable Stands
A banner stand that rolls into the base for easy transportation.
Return Panels
Side panels joined perpendicular to the backwall.
A device used to regulate lighting intensity. Also known as Dimmer Switch.
A skilled worker responsible for handling and assembly of machinery.
Right To Work State
A state where no person can be denied the right to work because of membership or non-membership in a labor union.
A platform for people or materials.
S.T. Labor
Straight Time Labor. Work performed during normal work hours at the standard rate. Compare with D.T. Labor, Overtime.
Schematic Model
A diagram in model form.
Scissors Lift
A motorized platform used to lift people to a given height.
An electric or gas cart used to transport people and materials.
Fabric which is opaque when lighted from the front and transparent when lighted from the rear.
Security Cages
Cages provided to exhibitors for locking up materials.
Self-contained Exhibit
A display which uses the shipping case as an integral part of the exhibit.
Service Desk
The location at which exhibitors order services from show management.
Service Kit
A packet of show-related information and order forms provided to exhibitors by show management. Also called Exhibitor Kit.
Set Up
The process of erecting an exhibit from its components. Also called Assembly, Installation.
Set-up Drawing
Drawings which give detailed instructions for the installation of an exhibit.
Shipping Case
A reusable container for transporting exhibit materials.
Shipping Crate
A wooden container for transporting exhibit materials, which may be designed for a single use or custom built for extended reuse.
Show Break
Time specified for the closing of an exhibition and beginning of dismantling.
Show Decorator
A company or individual responsible for providing draping, carpeting, and signage services for the trade show and its exhibitors.
Show Manager
The organizer and operator of an exposition.
Show Office
The show management office at an exposition.
Show Photographer
The show management appointed photographer for an exhibition.
Show Producer
An individual or company which manages trade shows, including leasing the exposition facility, hiring official contractors, and promoting the show.
Show Rules
The general rules and regulations governing a specific trade show.
Shrink Wrap
A process used to seal materials in transparent plastic.
Side Rail
A low divider wall, usually pipe and drape, used to divide one exhibit space from another.
Sign Standard
A frame on a stand into which a sign can be inserted for display.
Silk Screen
A method of creating graphics with a reusable stencil.
A low wooden frame used to support heavy objects or groups of materials for easier handling. Usually used as a platform for objects moved by forklift. Also called Pallet.
Decorative covering around tables and risers.
Ashtray stand.
A lowered portion of a ceiling.
The area occupied by an exhibitor in the exhibition hall.
Space Rate
The cost per square foot of exhibit area.
Special Handling
Applies to exhibit shipments requiring extra labor, equipment, or time for delivery to exhibit space.
A lamp that provides a defined circle of light.
Staging Area
A location used for demonstrations.
Posts used to support signage or other elevated objects.
European term for booth.
Stock Exhibits
A predesigned display modified for a particular use by the exhibitor.
An individual or company retained by a general contractor to provide services.
Stuff We All Get, or Stuff We All Giveaway.
T & M
See Time & Materials.
Table Top Display
An exhibit designed for use on the top of a table or similar surface.
An individual or company hired to work in an exhibit to greet visitors, demonstrate product, or stage a performance.
Target Date
A date set by show management for the arrival of freight at a trade show. Usually shipments received before or after this date are assessed a penalty charge.
Tariff Rates
Shipping charges for various types of cargo.
The dismantling of an exhibit. Also known as Take-down.
Telescopic Pipe
Tubing in which one section slides inside another. Used to support drapes.
Tension fabric – a term used to describe fabric graphics that are designed to be stretched out over a frame. The frame hardware is usually manufactured from aluminum.
Freight handling or dock area.
Three Wire
Electrical cable with a continuous ground wire in addition to a positive and a negative wire.
Time & Materials
A form of billing in which a consumer is charged for labor costs (time) and materials.
Tow Motor
See Forklift.
Trade Fair
Broadly used as the international term for an exposition.
Trade Show
An exposition related to a particular industry or group, and open only to the members of that group.
Traffic Flow
The movement of visitors through an exposition or exhibit.
Transient Space
Short-term rental space.
Structural element hung above exhibit for the purpose of hanging lighting equipment to illuminate exhibit components.
Twist Lock
A type of electrical plug that connects by twisting together.
Underwriters Laboratory. An organization which grants electrical ratings.
U.S. Standard Gauge.
A printable board with polystyrene faces and foam interior.
An organization of workers formed with the purpose of protecting workers’ rights and increasing bargaining power with an employer on such issues as wages, hours, and benefits.
Union Steward
An on-site union official elected by coworkers to oversee a particular union’s work in a facility and resolve any disputes over union jurisdiction. Also known as Shop Steward.
Value Added Tax. A tax that has been added to the overall price of a product reflecting the value added to the product by processing.
An overhead banner typically used as a light baffle.
Vectored art – art that’s infinitely scalable without degradation of quality. Vectored art is created using shapes and lines, with programs such as Adobe Illustrator.
The trade name for a fabric closure with two components: hooks and loops. The two components adhere when pressed together and separate when pulled apart, allowing repeated use.
A clear plastic sheeting that is placed over exhibit carpeting after its laid in order to protect it until the show opens. Visqueen also allows exhibit components to slide on top of it during setup, allowing you to align various exhibit components by simply pushing them into position.
A construction product used for panels which are temporary.
Warehouse Receipt
A receipt issued by a warehouse for goods received for storage.
Waste Removal
The removal of trash from an area or building.
A charge assessed for handling cargo at a pier.
Work Rules
Regulations that specify the conditions of a craftsperson’s labor, including work hours and pay structure.
Work Time
The period of paid time which begins when craftspersons are turned over to an exhibitor and ends when they are released by the exhibitor.
There are no terms in the glossary starting with that letter.
There are no terms in the glossary starting with that letter.
The booth two hours before the show opens!